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Life Transformational Workshops

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life® Workshops-based on LOUISE L HAY’S philosophy

  • What we think about ourselves becomes true for us.
  • Everyone is responsible for everything in their lives — the best and the worst.
  • Every thought we think is creating our future.
  • Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings.
  • The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.
  • We can change the thoughts we think.
  • Part of the challenge is that we give our power away by blaming the past, other people, and difficult events for our frustration. When we learn to step outside the world of blame we can then choose to create peace, harmony, and balance in our minds and that’s what we will find in our lives.

THE POWER IS WITHIN YOU! Create your life the way YOU choose it to be!

 It is all about YOU, the way you are, the key influences and events in your life that have brought you to where you are now and the way you would like your life to be. The process of healing your life begins with breaking through the layers of old conditioning and beliefs about how you ‘should’ lead your life, towards identifying any problem areas and clearing out emotional clutter connected with them. There is no ‘magic’ or ‘secret process’. All that is required is a genuine desire to commit yourself to change and a series of practical steps to make those changes happen. You can also be assured that you will be taken through the entire process in a safe and supportive environment.

These life transformational workshops are offered worldwide and come in a variety of formats.

  • Two and three day residential retreats
  • Two day weekend workshops
  • One day workshops
  • Five and ten week study groups
  • Three to four hour seminars for business, community organizations and other groups include:
  • Optimum Health- the body mind connection
  • Peaceful Relationships
  • Prosperity-Abundance
  • Change-Transition
  • Work-Success
  • The Power of Affirmations
  • Anger and Forgiveness
  • Nurturing the Inner Child
  • Learning to Love Yourself
  • Releasing negative conditioning

These programs can serve as ‘stepping stones’ on your pathway of self-discovery. You will be gently and skilfully guided toward a realization of your own power, inner wisdom and strengths, which will help you to achieve the life of joy, happiness, prosperity and health you deserve.

THE BOOK ‘You Can Heal Your Life’

This classic book by Louise Hay has sold many millions of copies and been translated into 35 languages.  Louise Hay’s central message is that when you truly love yourself, everything in your life works.

Louise gently guides you through understanding how your thoughts have limited you in the past, and how you can change them and create a wonderful life.

‘You Can Heal Your Life’ is an indispensable self-help and inspirational guide.

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